Sunday, November 15, 2009

Me & The Crumrinelings

Things are changing for the Crumrines and I'm sure their days here with us in this house are now numbered. They always were. They landed light with no plans to settle in. That's OK, and the way it should be. But I find myself already listening for the too quiet house. It's been the case since the Crumrines have had the occasion to come visit. They hit the front door with stuff, and a bitty dog of some sort and the Crumrinelings in tow. They're noise and persons fill the house for a few days, then it's all gone. It's so quiet, it always leaves a void for a couple of days. Then our two person business kicks back in and we get back to normal.

But now me and the Crumrinelings have this thing going on. Mm, maybe it's just me on my side but it's a nice thing. It started with one of them clambering up the stairs as I finished getting ready for work and asking for breakfast. Now I'm timing it so I'm ready for work just so I can see them in the morning and have time to get out the cereal, one with milk, one without, and have a Crumrineling conversation before I head out the door for the day.
The other morning it was, "I'm five! Today I'm five!"
"Happy Birthday! What kind of cereal do you want?"
"I want kix with no milk on it." "Hey, I don't sound any different than I did when I was four."
One morning I left early. It was dark and I thought everyone was still asleep. As I started the car, the door to the garage opened and a single hand came out to wave good bye then close again. I smiled all day.
I get invited to 'play a chapter' of Legos Star Wars. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I'm the last in the household yet to play. Maybe because I'm easily bossed around as a character and therefor make a great assistant to the five year old know it all. In any case the chapter goes fine until the leader turns on his bumbling yet faithful companion with a light saber or a lazer gun. Then it's kill or be killed.
I know the day is coming soon when this bunch will be headed somewhere to be on their own as a family again. And I'll be the one with all the see ya later alligator, after while crocodile, I love you grasshopper, I love you cricket blessings.

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